Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1

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The book of Psalms, the longest in the entire Bible, consists of 150 different songs (or psalms) written by a variety of authors. While almost half of them (73 to be exact) are attributed to David, some of the other 77 were written anonymously and some were penned by Asaph, Solomon, and even Moses. 

This is an interesting book because each psalm stands on its own. Unlike some of the books we have read, it’s unique in that each psalm does not necessarily build off of the one before it. Each one was written for a particular audience for a particular purpose, but then they were compiled and published collectively for the good of Israel because it gave them a theology to sing together. In the same way that we still attach words and music to show our affections for God, the Israelites were doing the same thing about three thousand years ago. 

While the book itself is not divided up by genre or theme, there are different types of psalms scattered throughout the book that we need to be aware of. There are psalms of lament, where the author is mourning or complaining to God about the state of the world. There are messianic psalms, pointing to the Messiah who is going to come some day and set the world back as it should be. There are also hymns, psalms of thanksgiving, psalms of wisdom, and more. We’re going to begin by studying the wisdom psalms that instruct us on how to live. 

Each day we’ll get to dive in and learn from the faith of those who came before us. The book of Psalms gives us a real glimpse into how God’s people were feeling, both individually and corporately. Just like the songs we sing now, these words were written and put to music to express emotion and affection towards God. Some are long (Psalm 119, for example). Some are short (Psalm 117 contains all of two verses). Each of these words were inspired by God and we get to learn from them today! 

As we read, remember to keep a journal handy. Grab a highlighter. Underline verses. Circle words that stand out. Commit these words to memory! Some of us are going to resonate with the psalms of lament–and that’s okay. Some of us are going to resonate with the psalms of thanksgiving–and that’s okay. Wherever you are at today, there are words from God for you in the book of Psalms. We’re excited to start this journey with you and look forward to seeing how God uses these ancient texts to shape our lives this year.

Read Psalm 1

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.

Not so the wicked!
    They are like chaff
    that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

Go Deeper

Since the book of Psalms is written by a variety of authors over different parts of their lives, we’ll read many emotions throughout these 150 books. Some chapters are filled with joy, others with pain, others with gratitude, and even some with anger. Since the book contains such a variety, it can be difficult to notice the common thread. 

However, Psalm 1 serves almost like a preface to the entire book of Psalms. If we’re going to understand the diversity in the other 149 chapters, we need to first understand the simplicity of Psalm 1. The lesson in this chapter is true for every stage of life. There are two paths we can take: one that leads to God, and one that leads to destruction. For all the complexity that life will bring, this truth is our reality in each and every season. There is a way that leads to life and a way that leads to death. When we choose the path that God lays out for us, it leads to life. When we choose the ways of this world, it leads to death. There’s no exception to this rule. If you look back on the course of your own life, you’ll find it true over and over. Yet, for many of us, it seems to be the lesson we struggle to learn over and over. 

Everyday we get to stand at this crossroads and choose what we actually believe. And the choices that we make are consequential. The psalmist paints a picture of a life that thrives in every season, and pairs it with a life that is progressively fading. The difference between these two lives is a connection with God, who is our ultimate life source. While many times the way of the wicked may look better, the reality is it’s much more dangerous. The way to find life isn’t to drink deeply from all this world has to offer, but to instead dig deeply into the faithfulness of God. When we are planted near Him, He’ll guide us through the ever changing emotions of life.


  1. What did you notice about the differences between the wicked and the righteous?
  2. What do you think it means to delight in the law of the Lord?
  3. What would it mean for you to live your life “planted” near the Lord?

Watch This

Check out this helpful video overview of the entire Book of Psalms from The Bible Project! 

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7 thoughts on “Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1”

  1. I find it so interesting that the first Psalm provides a quick summary of the whole book of Revelation that we just finished reading.
    5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

    6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

  2. Blessings. What a wonderful emotion of joy that comes from being loved and loving an almighty God. It is the result of planting ourselves as a tree by living water by trusting and believing in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Blessings come from obedience and self control of letting God in Christ lead us. Here we are encouraged to lean in and plant ourselves close to God and not lean on our own understanding.

    God thank you for Your blessings in my life. I am Blessed when and as I do not walk in step with the wicked
    or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but when I delight it is in the law of the Lord, and who I want and desire to meditates on is Your laws day and night. God I desire and endevaor to be That person who is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—and whatever I do You will prosper me. Thank You that I can Not be like the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. God thank You that I can listen to You and not be as the wicked and will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. Thank You God for my walk with You as I fear You God, that You watch over the way of the righteous, and that I listen so that I am not lead to destruction. God thank You for the minutes of this day that I strive to glorify You. Thank You for listening, hearing ears, a mouth that speaks of You, and a heart praising You for all the good in these minutes of this day, in Jesus name amen.

  3. Ella Snodgrass

    Faithful vs. faithless, our thoughts, choices and actions will land us in one of these 2 camps. Praying that instead of going with the flow of culture we would delight in following God’s perfect way. We do this by abiding with Jesus, letting his word take up residence in our hearts, and transforming our lives. This is how we bear fruit in whatever season we are in and point others to him.

  4. 1 “or sit in the company of mockers”

    For me, it is very tempting to mock groups of people who hold different worldviews than I do.

    Lord, guide me to see all people through your eyes. Let me not mock nor even sit in the company of mockers.

  5. Diane Frances Rogers

    We can choose to live a life that leads to happiness or a life of misery. Right relationship with God or alienation from God due to sin and unbelief.

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