Read Numbers 24
24 Now when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not resort to divination as at other times, but turned his face toward the wilderness. 2 When Balaam looked out and saw Israel encamped tribe by tribe, the Spirit of God came on him 3 and he spoke his message:
“The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor,
the prophecy of one whose eye sees clearly,
4 the prophecy of one who hears the words of God,
who sees a vision from the Almighty,
who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
5 “How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,
your dwelling places, Israel!
6 “Like valleys they spread out,
like gardens beside a river,
like aloes planted by the Lord,
like cedars beside the waters.
7 Water will flow from their buckets;
their seed will have abundant water.
“Their king will be greater than Agag;
their kingdom will be exalted.
8 “God brought them out of Egypt;
they have the strength of a wild ox.
They devour hostile nations
and break their bones in pieces;
with their arrows they pierce them.
9 Like a lion they crouch and lie down,
like a lioness—who dares to rouse them?
and those who curse you be cursed!”10 Then Balak’s anger burned against Balaam. He struck his hands togetherand said to him, “I summoned you to curse my enemies, but you have blessed them these three times. 11 Now leave at once and go home! I said I would reward you handsomely, but the Lord has kept you from being rewarded.”12 Balaam answered Balak, “Did I not tell the messengers you sent me,13 ‘Even if Balak gave me all the silver and gold in his palace, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord—and I must say only what the Lord says’? 14 Now I am going back to my people, but come, let me warn you of what this people will do to your people in days to come.”
Balaam’s Fourth Message
15 Then he spoke his message:
“The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor,
the prophecy of one whose eye sees clearly,
16 the prophecy of one who hears the words of God,
who has knowledge from the Most High,
who sees a vision from the Almighty,
who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
17 “I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near.
A star will come out of Jacob;
a scepter will rise out of Israel.
He will crush the foreheads of Moab,
the skulls of all the people of Sheth.
18 Edom will be conquered;
Seir, his enemy, will be conquered,
but Israel will grow strong.
19 A ruler will come out of Jacob
and destroy the survivors of the city.”
Balaam’s Fifth Message
20 Then Balaam saw Amalek and spoke his message:
“Amalek was first among the nations,
but their end will be utter destruction.”
Balaam’s Sixth Message
your nest is set in a rock;
22 yet you Kenites will be destroyed
when Ashur takes you captive.”
Balaam’s Seventh Message
24 Ships will come from the shores of Cyprus;
they will subdue Ashur and Eber,
but they too will come to ruin.”
Go Deeper
Numbers 24 is the third chapter where we see and hear from the wicked prophet Balaam. As a reminder, King Balak of Moab wanted Balaam to curse the people of Israel in exchange for a reward. Balaam, unlike some who are considered to be “false prophets”, actually does hear from God. So while he’s not a false prophet, he is also not a righteous one. God, however, can use anyone or any means necessary to communicate His message when the timing is right and His words, through Balaam, are another example of that power and might on display.
This chapter begins with Balaam not resorting to sorcery or magic as he had previously, but instead he simply delivered the words that God wanted him to. As he began to speak, the text says that the Spirit of God came on him (v. 2) and he began to deliver a blessing over Israel. King Balak, infuriated by this blessing (which was the exact opposite of what he intended), sends him away in anger. Balaam stops to remind Balak that he can only say what God tells him to say (v. 13).
The chapter ends with Balaam delivering four more messages, including one about a star that would come out of Jacob and a scepter that would rise out of Israel (v. 17). Some scholars and early church writers (such as Justin Martyr, for example) believe this to be a reference to the coming Messiah who would ultimately free Israel from the spiritual bondage they were in. Multiple verses in the New Testament use similar language to back up this argument (Matthew 2:2, Hebrews 1:8, Revelation 19:15). This serves as another reminder to us that the entirety of scripture ultimately points to the brokenness of the world and our need for a Savior.
This chapter ends on an interesting note, as both Balaam and Balak go their separate ways. Pastor and commentator David Guzik says this in his Enduring Word commentary:
“Undoubtedly, both were disappointed and perhaps angry, each because Israel had not been weakened spiritually and therefore made ready for defeat in battle. Balak wanted Israel defeated, and Balaam wanted Balak’s money, but each wanted Israel spiritually cursed–and God would not curse Israel.”
As we’ll read in the days to come, Israel ultimately does compromise and rebel in a way that breaks God’s heart.
- What stuck out to you on your first read through this chapter?
- Why do you believe God chose to speak through Balaam?
- What does this passage teach you about God? What does it teach you about humanity?
Did You Know?
Dr. Thomas Constable, a retired Dallas Theological Seminary professor, has this note on the references to Balaam in the New Testament:
“New Testament writers referred to Balaam three times, and each time it was in connection with apostasy. Second Peter 2:15-16 refers to “the way of Balaam,” which is covetousness. Jude 11 speaks of “the error of Balaam,” which is thinking that one can sin with impunity. Revelation 2:14 refers to “the teaching of Balaam,” which is compromise with the world.”
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8 thoughts on “Numbers 24”
9 “May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed!”
Fascinating that these prophetic words about the Jews are repeated by Balaam, a prophet, but not a righteous one!
Do we have ears to hear?
Balaam, for the first two oracles,God told him exactly what to say. For this third and on God’s Spirit was upon Balaam. Balaam was saying what he knew to be true of God, not what God was controlling him to say. Balaam saw and heard what God said. He was overwhelmed,
Verse 15 The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor, the prophecy of one whose eye sees clearly,
16 the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, who has knowledge from the Most High,
who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
What a remarkable experience that God let him have. You would think that this would bring him to a place of submission and faith, but it did not. It shows that an unbeliever can come to the knowledge of God and still reject Him.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
If we do not have eyes to see what God is doing or ears to hear His voice to direct our paths then God can overrule the choices we have made and accomplish His purpose just the same. We as the disobedient ones, are the loser. Yes, we have God’s grace but it is not a license to be/do of this world when we know better. Proverbs 4 :23 23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
God thank You for eyes to see You and what You want for my life. God thank You for ears to hear You and to listen and obey. God, I just think in my own life, how I treat sin casually. God forgive me when I think,“It was just a fleeting thought. It was just a fleeting word. It’s not a big deal. It was a small sin.” Help me instead long for holiness so much that any thought, any word, anything I do that’s not holy, I am just as quick to repent and say, “God, that was not holy. God, please forgive me. God, help me to live in holiness.” God, help me to hate sin more today than I did yesterday. Help me not to be casual with sin in any way. God, make my thoughts, my desires, my words, my actions, my everything, holy, completely pleasing to You and honoring to You today in these minutes of this day in Jesus name amen
Sin is never a big deal!
Thank you for that powerful takeaway from this passage.
Balaam is certainly an interesting Bible figure. The question of why God used him is interesting as well?
What if God was sharing His word with them to change their hearts. How would that have changed their future? Balaam heard directly from God, shared His words, but did not change his heart. Balak heard the words, but ignored them and it did not end well for his people.
I feel that is similar when we can speak God’s words through Bible verses, but not have it change our hearts. God is after His people’s hearts.
I pray that God’s words are sealed in our minds and our hearts.
At the heart of the matter Balaam is a fraud, one who speaks the right words yet his heart is evil. Scripture reveals in James 2:19, “Even the demons believe and tremble.” Like demons, Balaam
knows God exists and recognizes the power of God’s Word, but his faith is not saving.
16 the prophecy of one who hears the words of God,
who has knowledge from the Most High,
who sees a vision from the Almighty,
who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
Every one of us, who’s in Christ, have the knowledge of the Most High. We have the privilege of knowing God forever. We all have the privilege of just falling down on our faces before God in reverence and awe and relationship with Him. So, just think, when we read of the prophets in the Old Testament, and we see their position that they saw, heard and spoke God’s Word, just realize, in Christ, we have all of these things. Praise God, thank you, Jesus for making this possible. I praise You for the privilege of knowing You, having a conversation with You. In Jesus name, Amen!
God will speak to people who aren’t holy and always upright and he still calls them to do the good thing and that’s what we see with Balaam which is so cool. He also honored his promises and commitments to the Israelites.