Leviticus 25

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Read Leviticus 25

The Sabbath Year

25 The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest.Whatever the land yields during the sabbath year will be food for you—for yourself, your male and female servants, and the hired worker and temporary resident who live among you, as well as for your livestock and the wild animals in your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.

The Year of Jubilee

“‘Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. 10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family propertyand to your own clan. 11 The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines.12 For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields.

13 “‘In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.

14 “‘If you sell land to any of your own people or buy land from them, do not take advantage of each other. 15 You are to buy from your own people on the basis of the number of years since the Jubilee. And they are to sell to you on the basis of the number of years left for harvesting crops. 16 When the years are many, you are to increase the price, and when the years are few, you are to decrease the price, because what is really being sold to you is the number of crops. 17 Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the Lord your God.

18 “‘Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land. 19 Then the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety. 20 You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh yearif we do not plant or harvest our crops?” 21 I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. 22 While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.

23 “‘The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers. 24 Throughout the land that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.

25 “‘If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells some of their property, their nearest relative is to come and redeem what they have sold.26 If, however, there is no one to redeem it for them but later on they prosperand acquire sufficient means to redeem it themselves, 27 they are to determine the value for the years since they sold it and refund the balance to the one to whom they sold it; they can then go back to their own property.28 But if they do not acquire the means to repay, what was sold will remain in the possession of the buyer until the Year of Jubilee. It will be returned in the Jubilee, and they can then go back to their property.

29 “‘Anyone who sells a house in a walled city retains the right of redemption a full year after its sale. During that time the seller may redeem it. 30 If it is not redeemed before a full year has passed, the house in the walled city shall belong permanently to the buyer and the buyer’s descendants. It is not to be returned in the Jubilee. 31 But houses in villages without walls around them are to be considered as belonging to the open country. They can be redeemed, and they are to be returned in the Jubilee.

32 “‘The Levites always have the right to redeem their houses in the Levitical towns, which they possess. 33 So the property of the Levites is redeemable—that is, a house sold in any town they hold—and is to be returned in the Jubilee, because the houses in the towns of the Levites are their property among the Israelites. 34 But the pastureland belonging to their towns must not be sold; it is their permanent possession.

35 “‘If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you. 36 Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God, so that they may continue to live among you.37 You must not lend them money at interest or sell them food at a profit. 38 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God.

39 “‘If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and sell themselves to you, do not make them work as slaves. 40 They are to be treated as hired workersor temporary residents among you; they are to work for you until the Year of Jubilee. 41 Then they and their children are to be released, and they will go back to their own clans and to the property of their ancestors. 42 Because the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt, they must not be sold as slaves. 43 Do not rule over them ruthlessly, but fear your God.

44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

47 “‘If a foreigner residing among you becomes rich and any of your fellow Israelites become poor and sell themselves to the foreigner or to a member of the foreigner’s clan, 48 they retain the right of redemption after they have sold themselves. One of their relatives may redeem them: 49 An uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in their clan may redeem them. Or if they prosper, they may redeem themselves. 50 They and their buyer are to count the time from the year they sold themselves up to the Year of Jubilee. The price for their release is to be based on the rate paid to a hired worker for that number of years. 51 If many years remain, they must pay for their redemption a larger share of the price paid for them. 52 If only a few years remain until the Year of Jubilee, they are to compute that and pay for their redemption accordingly. 53 They are to be treated as workers hired from year to year; you must see to it that those to whom they owe service do not rule over them ruthlessly.

54 “‘Even if someone is not redeemed in any of these ways, they and their children are to be released in the Year of Jubilee, 55 for the Israelites belong to me as servants. They are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Go Deeper

In Leviticus, we have read so many regulations and rules. In this passage, however, we see some celebrations occurring for all the hard work done. This chapter breathes rest within the Sabbath and celebration of freedom and debt being paid. Both are things that were celebrated then and can be celebrated now! 

The Lord is speaking about the Sabbath and how His followers need to keep it holy. In the current day and age of technology, individualism, and busyness, the Sabbath is sometimes lost in it all. Keeping the Sabbath doesn’t need to mean a whole day set aside of not speaking to anyone, but rather a day or a big portion of the day spent doing something that stirs your affections for the Lord. This may look like curling up on the couch and reading your Bible or taking a drive while listening to music to admire the creation of the Lord. Maybe for you it looks like going on a walk or sharing a meal with other followers of Jesus. 

All of those things, if done to the glory of God, are worshiping the Lord! It’s interesting that in verse 4, the wording to describe the Sabbath is “a Sabbath to the Lord.” The Sabbath is regarded as an action towards the Lord not of ourselves. The Sabbath is not a time for us to just have the day off or to keep working outside of our work week hours, but rather an action to be taken towards the Lord. The Sabbath is an act of worship. 

Starting in verse 8, the Lord speaks on the Year of Jubilee. The Year of Jubilee can also be referred to as the Year of Release. This is a year where debts would be released, prisoners were freed, and the mercy of God would be seen. In this year, the Israelites would celebrate freedom and the harvest sown. This celebration signifies our celebrations today! That we have freedom in Christ and we can celebrate the wins of the fruit being produced around us. Jesus, on the cross, beat death, and because of that we are released of our sinful debt, are prisoners of death set free, and have seen the mercy of God! What a celebration!


  1. What stirs your affections for the Lord? 
  2. What does keeping the Sabbath look like for you? How much intentionality do you put into the practice of Sabbath?
  3. Have you told someone about the celebration of freedom in Christ that you have lately?

Listen Here

Check out the song “Good Things” by SEU Worship and then pray this over your day: 


You are the living well. You are the one I have true rest in. Teach me to worship you through the Sabbath. Teach me how to celebrate the wins in my life. Teach me to celebrate (even when it’s hard). Lord, I want to rest in you and with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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10 thoughts on “Leviticus 25”

  1. The OT and the NT are so intertwined. This is such a massive revalation to me. Yes, I knew it BUT GOD is opening the eyes of my understanding to the intentional details. He wants us to have knowledge. Yes, to read this was so informational if you understand more about Israel. But weaved within is the red thread. All details, completely, had to be fullfilled in order for us to be grafted in. (Romans 11)
    NAS Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, To set free those who are downtrodden, 19 To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” What does that sound like? Of course; it’s what we’ve been studying in Leviticus. He speaks of release, set freeing those who are downtrodden, and proclaiming the favorable year of the Lord.
    NAS Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives, And freedom to prisoners; 2 To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD………
    By means of faith in Him we are grafted into His family. Jesus paid it all, fulfilled all, and covered it all for us.

    God thank You for details. God thank You for showing me more and more. Thank You that these details offer me wisdom to understand Your heart. God thank You for helping me to be bolder in my faith. Thank You for eyes to see, ears to hear You first. Thank You for these minutes of this day that I want to, can and will glorify You in Jesus name amen

  2. 23 “‘The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers.”

    As a business and finance person, I have long struggled with some of these OT passages regarding property ownership and charging interest. Not exactly sure how it applies in 2025, but I know there is application regarding who is the true “owner” of things as well as not taking advantage of someone in dire circumstances. A lot to sit with!

  3. Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land Unto all the inhabitants thereof (V20 NKJ).

    Fun fact: I learned from my bible’s footnotes that this excerpt from this verse from Leviticus 25:10 is inscribed on the Liberty Bell. It was placed on the bell when it was made in the 1750s and it was used as a rallying cry for abolitionists starting in the 1830s.

    I find it interesting that God’s words rings true even on a cracked bell. Praise God!!!

    You can find out more here if interested.

  4. I notice a theme to this chapter involving 3 R’s—rest, relationship & redemption—all were God’s ideas and gifts to his people that would cause them to flourish. When we lean into his wisdom, accept his authority, and act in obedience we will experience deep contentment unlike anything this world can offer.

    To reconcile:
    1. To settle or put to rights.
    2. To resolve, to patch up, bring together, draw together, merge, reunite.

    God gave the world a fresh start when he reconciled the world to himself through Christ, through the forgiveness of our sins.

    Leviticus 25 describes “The Year of Jubilee” – and Jubilee is ALL about a fresh start. Every fifty years Israel was supposed to get a “do-over.” During Jubilee, debts would be forgiven, slaves and prisoners freed and all accounts “put to rights.”
    How many of us couldn’t use that? In my (ahem!) 50+ years, I know I’ve managed to rack up some pretty fair debt I need forgiven!

    Jubilee points to three areas of specific restoration:
    1) GENERATIONAL RESTORATION. Under the rules of Jubilee, every fifty years all property would be restored to its original owners. Under this system, the rich couldn’t just get richer while the poor just got poorer, which protected all against intergenerational poverty. Just imagine if you had racked up insurmountable consumer debt – and the only legacy you could leave for your children was a mountain of unpaid bills. Jubilee would fix that.

    In a broader sense, Jubilee addressed GENERATIONAL SIN. Jubilee restored the mess of inherited mess, as at least once in a lifetime everyone got a fresh start. Many of us know the misfortune passed down to us through our parents’ failures (and their parents’ failures, and so on and so on….) In God’s economy, if life has kept you down it can’t keep you down forever because He is ALWAYS “doing a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19).

    2) RELATIONAL RESTORATION. “Each person will go back to his family’s property and reunite with his extended family.” During Jubilee disagreements would be resolved, broken relationships patched up, and families reunited. For all those struggling with the pain of broken relationships or divided families, Jubilee points to complete reconciliation In Christ.

    DID YOU KNOW? If we are in Christ, we are already celebrating Jubilee! Our debts have been forgiven and we’re no longer imprisoned by our past or in bondage to sin. We are free! AND we have been given a fresh start, a total “do-over.”

    “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. [This would include our old identity, our life of sin, the power of Satan, the religious works trying to please God, our old relationship with the world, and our old mind-sets. We are not reformed or simply refurbished, we are made completely new by our union with Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.]
    Behold, everything is fresh and new.”
    -2 Corinthians 5:17 TPT

    Praying that 2025 will be a Year of Jubilee for us all!

  6. The Sabbath is regarded as an action towards the Lord not of ourselves. I loved that all throughout this chapter, grace and mercy was displayed from Sabbath, to redemption of property, to people.

    In verses 35-38, we see the Israelites are commanded to show Mercy to one another because they have received the mercy from God. This is what we do as believers are to do in this day and age as we extend grace and mercy to those around us in all circumstances. This chapter was a good reminder to me what rest looks like and how grateful we can be to rest in the Lord because his mercies our new each and every day therefore we can extend those to others just like Jesus.

  7. Diane Frances Rogers

    Jesus has covered our sins and brought us from death to life. In Him we have freedom and joy. May we spread this jubilee to the ends of the earth. All glory to God!

  8. I’m typically inside a lot working on the computer so my sabbath looks like running or lifting as I rest my mind by moving my body. 🙂

    It’s wonderful to see gods nature

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