Joshua In Review

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Joshua In Review

As we reach the end of Joshua, it’s helpful to look back at the command God gave Joshua multiple times at the beginning of the book: “Be strong and courageous”. Joshua was stepping into some gigantic shoes. Following up Moses was no small task. There would be opportunities to doubt (or ignore God’s instructions altogether). But God really wanted Joshua to remember what was true: He was going to be with the Israelites no matter what. Over the remaining chapters, we saw what happened when Joshua did (and did not) heed those instructions. 

What we learned through this book is faithfulness matters. There were times that Joshua and the Israelites listened to God, followed His instructions, and kept up their end of their covenant with Him. There were other times when they went rogue, doing their own thing and only trying to fulfill their own desires. 

We have no shortage of opportunities to make the same mistakes the Israelites made. It’s easy for us to live fearfully or to try and take matters into our own hands. But we also have the opportunity to take small steps of obedience every single day. We can prayerfully talk through every big decision with God. We can pay attention to the instructions given to us in Scripture and apply those to our lives. We can live strong and courageous lives in a world that feels chaotic. Which one will we choose?


What did you learn about God throughout the book of Joshua?

What did you learn about humanity throughout the book of Joshua?

Why is it important for us to understand the story of Joshua?

What did you learn about leadership from Joshua?

What connections to Jesus were you able to make throughout the book of Joshua?

What story from Joshua stuck out to you the most? Why did that one speak to you?

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1 thought on “Joshua In Review”

  1. There is only one true God and he keeps his word. Humans by nature are selfish and test God. Once we know the truth and mandates of scripture we are responsible to obey them. God raises up his standard through leaders who come alongside us to guide us and remind us of the way. We must pre-decide who we will follow and stand firm against the tide of culture, more often than not swimming upstream. Obedience will bring us victory over sin, peace to our souls, and fulfillment of every promise.

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