2 Chronicles 8

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Read 2 Chronicles 8

Solomon’s Other Activities

At the end of twenty years, during which Solomon built the temple of the Lord and his own palace, Solomon rebuilt the villages that Hiram had given him, and settled Israelites in them. Solomon then went to Hamath Zobah and captured it. He also built up Tadmor in the desert and all the store cities he had built in Hamath. He rebuilt Upper Beth Horon and Lower Beth Horon as fortified cities, with walls and with gates and bars, as well as Baalath and all his store cities, and all the cities for his chariots and for his horses—whatever he desired to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon and throughout all the territory he ruled.

There were still people left from the Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites (these people were not Israelites). Solomon conscripted the descendants of all these people remaining in the land—whom the Israelites had not destroyed—to serve as slave labor, as it is to this day. But Solomon did not make slaves of the Israelites for his work; they were his fighting men, commanders of his captains, and commanders of his chariots and charioteers. 10 They were also King Solomon’s chief officials—two hundred and fifty officials supervising the men.

11 Solomon brought Pharaoh’s daughter up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her, for he said, “My wife must not live in the palace of David king of Israel, because the places the ark of the Lord has entered are holy.”

12 On the altar of the Lord that he had built in front of the portico, Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings to the Lord, 13 according to the daily requirementfor offerings commanded by Moses for the Sabbaths, the New Moons and the three annual festivals—the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of Tabernacles. 14 In keeping with the ordinance of his father David, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their duties, and the Levites to lead the praise and to assist the priests according to each day’s requirement. He also appointed the gatekeepers by divisions for the various gates, because this was what David the man of God had ordered.15 They did not deviate from the king’s commands to the priests or to the Levites in any matter, including that of the treasuries.

16 All Solomon’s work was carried out, from the day the foundation of the temple of the Lord was laid until its completion. So the temple of the Lordwas finished.

17 Then Solomon went to Ezion Geber and Elath on the coast of Edom.18 And Hiram sent him ships commanded by his own men, sailors who knew the sea. These, with Solomon’s men, sailed to Ophir and brought back four hundred and fifty talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.

Go Deeper

As we well know, Solomon was the wisest person to ever live and also a successful builder. During a twenty-year span, he built a magnificent temple for the Lord and a glorious palace for himself. He spent seven years building this first temple in Jerusalem, certainly a significant achievement of King Solomon’s reign. Approximately 400 years later, however, the Babylonians destroyed the temple. And even though a second temple would be built years later and then remodeled and enlarged during King Herod’s rule, it would again be destroyed; this time by the Romans. 

Solomon’s construction of the temple fulfilled a desire of his father King David, who was the one who initially planned to build the Lord’s temple. God allowed King David’s son, Solomon, to build the temple instead. The construction and eventual destruction of the temple serves as a good reminder that while a physical temple for God is not everlasting, our bodies offered as a living temple are. For all who place their trust and faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior allow their bodies to serve as the living temple of God’s Holy Spirit, forever. 

After completing the first temple to honor God, Solomon spent thirteen years building a new palace for himself. It is interesting to note that the construction time almost doubled for his personal palace. The extravagant palace helped Solomon attract Pharaoh’s daughter to marry him. Over time, Solomon would have many, many more wives. In fact, the numerous marriages that followed eventually led Solomon to look towards other gods and away from the one true God (1 Kings 11:3-4).

Solomon’s choice to take countless wives and concubines was a direct disobedience to God. God laid out His will, gave Solomon wisdom (again, he was the wisest person to ever live), and still Solomon made the choice to disobey. The consequences of his choices would later impact Solomon’s life. We are invited to devote ourselves fully to God and invite His Spirit to indwell in us, a living temple. We are also given the choice to obey or disobey. It is a daily choice: live today for God or for our flesh. What is your choice today?


  1. If you could wish for anything from God, what would you ask for? (Review 2 Chronicles 1:10 or 1 Kings 3:3-15 for Solomon’s request.)
  2. Where have you prioritized the desires of your flesh over those of God? Confess those to God now.
  3. What specific actions will you take today to live for God?

Did You Know?

The Wailing Wall, also known as the Western Wall, is the remaining portion of the temple. The first temple constructed by King Solomon was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, rebuilt the second temple and completed it in 516 BC. 

According to GotQuestions.org, approximately 400 years later, King Herod renovated and expanded the second temple, and it stood until its destruction by the Romans in AD 70. All that remains today of the temple is the Wailing Wall, which stands 187-foot-high, extends for 1,600 feet, and at least seventeen layers are below street level. The exposed portion of the Wailing Wall is a religious destination for many people around the world.

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5 thoughts on “2 Chronicles 8”

  1. Ella Snodgrass

    I’m reminded that we must not only begin well but finish well. Every moment of each new day presents opportunities to abide, be sanctified and remain under the authority of Christ, or drift into carnal patterns that lead to destruction. Although Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, he still had to choose God’s precepts. The ending of his story proves he fell into the ways of the world as he shifted and drifted into idolatry. This was a man who saw fire fall from heaven, yet somehow was dulled to the miraculous ways God had shown up for him. Let his story remind us to stay humble and laser focused on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, the One who enables us to finish well.

  2. Everyone has a story. I have a story and I am a miracle. There is no reason for me to be alive or to have a function brain, BUT GOD!!!! When these guys see all these miracles from heaven, fire, manna, ect… and we think if that were me I would not forget nor stray, well let me tell you it does happen. It has been 5 years for me and I tell my story often but I have come to realize people don’t really want to hear it. That is ok because I know BUT GOD has reasons for me now and I keep falling away from those. I am still a work in progress like Solomon. He knew better than to do what he did but his flesh got in the way. This dying to flesh business is not easy y’all. Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. It all comes back to abiding and hanging out with God minutely or secondly. Not worrying or fretting but deliberately telling God what you need help with and letting Him guide us!

    God thank You for loving me so much that You gave me another opportunity at life. Thank You God that I am not wasting it. Help me, guide me in what I am to do for You today, in the right now. Show me within my spirit what Your Spirit is needing/wanting/requiring of these hours of this day to give You glory, honor and edification in Jesus name amen

    Happy 4th of July!!! Freedom is not free! Thank you Veterans for your service!!!

  3. Grateful for these reminders. Daily. It matters. Anyone can fade and drift. God requires me to stay attached to the vine. If even Solomon can forget then none us should be so arrogant to think we can ride on old experiences with God. I am reminded afresh to meet with Jesus daily.

  4. Diane Frances Rogers

    Oh, but for the Grace of God. Weary and heavy laden, I rest in Him. When we get to where God is taking us, it doesn’t mean we can get so comfortable that we let our guards down or neglect our relationship with Him. Gratitude and obedience are the best defense for our Promised Land. Freedom in Christ!

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